Creative - HD Production - Editorial - Interactive - Live
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Earlier this year, Innovative Media was tasked with creating a completely animated commercial for the 2011 Greater Tulsa Home and Garden Show.
Fernandez Associates, a full-service agency, asked us to turn their vision into reality.
The process began with analyzing whether this spot should be completed with live action or animation. We quickly came to the conclusion that animation would give us the greatest control and flexibility.
So many times we use animation for pre-visualizing a live action sequence. We found it ironic that for this project we used live action to pre-visualize the animated process.
At the right you can see an actual frame from our pre-viz work.
The animation process was tedious. There are no off-the-shelf plugins for making dominos fall. This required a lot of experimentation to create the correct physics attributes to make them fall in a natural way.
We believe that we created not only a realistic effect but a very effective spot in the end.